The Peace of Christ, Lived Out

By Rev. Claire Berry, Associate Pastor of WHPC

I don’t know about you, but for me, this strange year sometimes feels like it’s going by very quickly. I can hardly believe that World Communion Sunday is right around the corner.

Established in the 1930s, World Communion Sunday takes place on the first Sunday in October and celebrates the unity and ministry of the Church around the world. On or around this day—this year, it’s October 4—many Presbyterian churches participate in the denominational Peace and Global Witness Offering as well.

Like One Great Hour of Sharing, the Peace and Global Witness Offering is an opportunity for congregations to come together and make a big missional impact. Each year, the offering is divided such that

·      50 percent goes to the Presbyterian Mission Agency, or PMA;

·      25 percent goes to Presbytery for peace and justice ministries; and

·      25 percent is determined by the congregation.

This year, our Presbytery—Mission Presbytery, including much of south and central Texas—has decided to give its 25 percent to the highly respected Doctors without Borders, specifically for their work with displaced people in Mexico. WHPC’s Session has voted to join with the Presbytery and designate our church’s 25 percent to the same cause.

I hope you’ll take time this week to discern your participation in the Peace and Global Witness Offering. Personally, I’ve been very motivated by this excellent video from Doctors without Borders, which describes the challenges migrants in Mexico face and how medical teams seek to address them. Doctors without Borders’ response now also includes coronavirus prevention and treatment for this vulnerable group.

I also invite you to take time to learn more about the Presbyterian Mission Agency, particularly its peacemaking work. Several interesting and informative videos are now available through the 2020 International Peacemaker Virtual Symposium. You’ll see how Presbyterian Peacemakers

·      Build community and advocate for peace in Israel and Palestine;

·      Work to feed the hungry in war-torn places, like Cameroon;

·      Address violence against women in places like Guatemala.

I pray you’ll consider this information carefully and give generously on World Communion Sunday. Or, if you’re ready to give now, click here.