Sacred Sight - Adult Advent Class

Sacred Sight - Adult Advent Class

Sundays, November 26 - December 10 | 9:45 am | Parlor

Discover the ancient Christian tradition of sacred sight, a spiritual practice of engaging with art to deepen your understanding of the Advent stories found in the Gospel of Luke. 

Discover the Advent story in a new light and cultivate a sense of reverence as we prepare our hearts for the joyous celebration of Christ's coming. All adults are welcome to participate in this transformative exploration of faith and art.


This Advent season we have prepared a series of short videos to create time and space for you to let down the weariness and weight of your world and immerse yourself in God’s Word and will for your life. This week we begin with the story of Zechariah's unexpected visit by the angel Gabriel and the artwork of renowned English artist Stanley Spencer. 


This week we continue our journey with Mary and Elizabeth and a painting by Chinese artist He Qi.


This week we continue our Advent journey with the Birth of John as depicted by Italian Master, Tintoretto.


This week we join in Mary’s song of celebration and hope as depicted in the painting Magnificat by artist Laura James.