Fall Service Day- A celebration of Community!

Fall Service Day- A celebration of Community!

What began as a day of service developed into a week of Service Projects! On Wed, Oct. 26th, the Choir brightened up the sanctuary entries. Then, On Sat. Oct. 29th, about 44 people pitched in to brighten up the WHPC gardens, grounds, and stonework!

The 6 tasks that were accomplished that week were:

On Wed. before choir practice even began-

  1. 6 choir members arranged some 34 fall mums around the entries to the sanctuary & vestibule, as well as at the plaza, while one person clipped and fertilized the roses

On Sat. following a hearty Rudy’s breakfast served by the Deacons 5 crews got busy making things look fresh and alive-

  1. 14 folks hauled & spread 155 bags of hardwood mulch in and around the Memorial Garden by 10:30am!

  2. 5 guys cleaned the stone walls, columns, and some stone around the bell area using 3 high-pressure power washers

  3. 3 painters coated the cinder block wall of the NEW Storage Area under the garage

  4. 10 gardeners cleaned, planted fall color, and mulched the bed above the parking garage, Plus 2 folks mulched the roses at the sanctuary

  5. 3 guys bushwacked the overgrown red tips at the upper lot, then loaded and hauled off a huge trailer full of limbs & cuttings

By noon several projects had been completed and clean-up begun, while the power washing and painting crews continued for a while!

Please know that WHPC’s Pastors, Leaders, and the Building & Property Committee are so very grateful for the turnout & hard work performed at this Fall Service Day 2022.

Certainly some big things were done, but the joy of fellowship while serving side-by-side in these hands-on tasks was the great gain that day. Many friendships were renewed even while new relationships birthed among members, friends, scouts, staff, and the delightful members of True Vine Church of God 7th Day.

Thank you all! We are certainly better together!