AMO, Sharing Christ with Children in Patzcuaro, Mexico

AMO, Sharing Christ with Children in Patzcuaro, Mexico

WHPC has had a presence in Patzcuaro, Mexico since the early 2000s, when WHPC members visiting Patzcuaro saw a need to help the children there and started a feeding program in the local Presbyterian church. Since then, with help from the WHPC Mexico Mission Team and the larger church, the program has grown into a formal afterschool Christ-based program named AMO Patzcuaro. (Amo means “love” in Spanish.) WHPC has been supporting AMO for seven years.

The Peace of Christ, Lived Out

The Peace of Christ, Lived Out

I don’t know about you, but for me, this strange year sometimes feels like it’s going by very quickly. I can hardly believe that World Communion Sunday is right around the corner.

Established in the 1930s, World Communion Sunday takes place on the first Sunday in October and celebrates the unity and ministry of the Church around the world. On or around this day—this year, it’s October 4—many Presbyterian churches participate in the denominational Peace and Global Witness Offering as well.

Who Is My Neighbor? WHPC, Manos de Cristo, and Community

Who Is My Neighbor? WHPC, Manos de Cristo, and Community

In Luke’s gospel, Jesus has a conversation with a scribe—a legal expert—about the two most important commandments in God’s law. These are, of course, to love God with all we’ve got, and to love our neighbors as we love ourselves (Luke 10:27). But the scribe seeks greater clarity, asking Jesus, “Who is my neighbor?” We may find ourselves wondering the same thing. Who is it that God calls us to love?

The Gathering: Gone Virtual

 The Gathering: Gone Virtual

Most WHPC members are familiar with the Gathering, our church’s ministry that provides a four-hour respite program each week to families dealing with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and similar dementias. The Gathering is designed to provide the person with AD a chance to socialize in a warm and loving atmosphere. Activities are designed to keep the participants busy in meaningful and dignified ways. The Gathering is also intended to offer the caregiver four hours a week of time to run errands, go to doctors’ appointments, visit with friends, or just go home to a quiet house.

For The Love of Nicaragua: An Invitation to Generosity

For The Love of Nicaragua: An Invitation to Generosity

WHPC has been actively serving in Nicaragua for over 25 years. We have deep roots with many partners and dear friends. This post highlights three partners—AMOS Health and Hope, Colegio Cristiano Presbyteriano (CCP), and Eden Center—who will benefit directly from WHPC’s Special Offering for COVID-19 Relief. Learning more about them, I hope you will be inspired to give to the offering, which closes at the end of this month.

Get to Know a Partner: Faith in Christ Ministries International (FICMI)

Get to Know a Partner: Faith in Christ Ministries International (FICMI)

“All we have left……is our faith in Christ.”  This was the cry of members of a Christian church in Dubuzon, Liberia upon returning to their community after two devastating civil wars to find their church building burned to the ground.  They vowed to rebuild their church and rename it Faith in Christ.  With the help of WHPC, their church was rebuilt and now, some twelve years later, it has grown to more than eight satellite congregations in Liberia and two in neighboring Ivory Coast, thereby adding “international” to its ministry name.

Recap: One Great Hour of Sharing

Recap: One Great Hour of Sharing

I’m thrilled to share that in April, Westlake Hills Presbyterian Church contributed $11,000 to One Great Hour of Sharing, a special offering of our denomination, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). One Great Hour of Sharing goes to address disaster, hunger, and oppression throughout the world, through several Presbyterian agencies—Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, the Presbyterian Hunger Program, and Self-Development of People. This special offering is in addition to the generous support WHPC already gives its local and global mission partners each year.

A Helping Hand for Manos de Cristo

A Helping Hand for Manos de Cristo

Many in our congregation are familiar with "Blue Bag Sundays," where once a month we shop at the grocery store for a list of requested items and return them to the church in cobalt blue bags. I loved participating in this simple ministry for years, but I have to admit I did not really know where those bags were going. I knew that the ministry was a "food pantry," but I did not comprehend the gem of a destination for our particular goods that is Manos de Cristo until I delivered the blue bags collected by our congregation to their office one weekday morning last year.

FCA @ WHS: “A Safe Community” to Grow in Faith

FCA @ WHS: “A Safe Community” to Grow in Faith

One of Westlake Hills Presbyterian Church’s longstanding local mission partners is the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) here in Austin.

Through FCA, Westlake High School (WHS) hosts several bible study gatherings called "huddles." Two student-led huddles meet every week, on campus, during the student’s two lunch hours, 4th and 5th period. Coach Jeff Montgomery and Mrs. Clements help host and facilitate these huddles, which attract between 10 to 40 students at each lunch hour. That means that each week, as many as 80 students gather together to enjoy fellowship in a safe place, to pray, to hear the Word of God, and to listen to a testimony from a fellow student or invited guest speaker.

WHPC Takes On Hunger: Souper Bowl of Caring & Feed My Starving Children

WHPC Takes On Hunger: Souper Bowl of Caring & Feed My Starving Children

The year has barely begun, and already our church has undertaken two significant mission projects to address hunger, both locally in Austin and in impoverished areas around the globe.

For this year’s Souper Bowl of Caring Smackdown, our middle school students led a can drive to benefit the food pantry run by WHPC mission partner Manos de Cristo. Over the course of January, the congregation donated a grand total of 2,609 cans. Church members made weekly deliveries as donations came in, helping to keep Manos’ pantry well stocked throughout January.